For the majority of my life I have been entirely content with doing the bare minimum. I stumbled through college bouncing from one major to the next. I had no realistic future in mind: no dream job, no dream car, no dream girl. I wanted little to nothing from life and this is reflected in what I now have to show for it. The frailty of my will peaked in the beginning of 2006 when I heard The Fray's song "How To Save a Life" and decided I was going to be a doctor. The short of the story is I'm now 25 with a biology degree and a ton of debt.
After graduation I applied for several jobs in the area surrounding where I wanted to live all to no avail. "We'll contact you soon," they'd all say, but they never did. I eventually broke down and applied to be a server at a local sports bar and grill set up. Not a bad gig, but not at all what I wanted. I had always enjoyed helping people whether it was volunteering at the church, tutoring kids or just helping someone move. It gives a simple complacency not many things can. However, every time I put that referee jerzee on, tie my apron and walk past my diploma, which I have duct taped to the wall, it takes a little more out of me. You might be wondering, "Why would it matter if you never wanted anything from life?" Well, recent events in my life have changed that. Yeah, it's mostly a girl but several other things as well. And so now I find myself stuck in a place where I'm waiting for my life start while I wait on people enjoying theirs...
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